Cultivated Meat & Bioreactors: Solaris at MantovaScienza 2023

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Lab-grown meat: Solaris Biotech talks about it at MantovaScienza 2023

Porto Mantovano, 10 November 2023 - Solaris Biotech, an Italian company of the Donaldson Group, a leader in the production of biotech solutions for the creation of vaccines, resins, biofuels and cultivated proteins, will bring its experience to MantovaScienza, the science event that has been held in the city of Mantua, Italy for eight consecutive years.

Giulia Casarini of Solaris Biotech will speak on Sunday 19 November at 3.30 p.m. at Sala delle Capriate in Piazza Leon Battista Alberti 10, Mantua with a contribution entitled "CULTIVATING THE FUTURE - the world of cultivated meat and bioreactors."

The aim of the talk is to disseminate information and knowledge about the production of cultured proteins, an area of interest that is still little known, but which is growing steadily and is of fundamental importance for the future.

Cultivated proteins offer an ecological solution, respecting the health and welfare of animals and safeguarding the fragile ecosystem of the earth, reducing pollution and producing food free of antibiotics and microplastics.

It is from these assumptions that the need arises to find alternative ways of meeting our demand for food, particularly protein, in a more sustainable way.

The growing need for food has seen a burgeoning interest in recent years in the search for foods using alternative production techniques, particularly in the agro-livestock sector.

Giulia Casarini of Solaris:

"Communication of results and technological applications is not always unequivocal. In this meeting we will find out what the new frontiers of New Food are, what European and Italian legislation provides for with regard to synthetic foods, and in particular what cell cultivation techniques allow the production of meat (and not only) in the laboratory."

The conference will be open to all and free of charge, subject to availability, and will be available on the MantovaScienza YouTube channel at the end of the event.

Press contact: StudioRPR -

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Giulia Casarini